Elaine Duncan

What’s on Elaine’s Loom

So Much Magnificence


Not much to see at this point, especially from the back of the tapestry.  The tapestry includes words saying “SO MUCH MAGNIFICENCE”.  The imagery is of a large wave rolling onto the beach.  I was inspired by the song, So Much Magnificence, sung by Deval Premal and Miten which provided the imagery for me.  I live in Lo de Marcos, Nayarit, Mexico most of the year now.  I listen to the waves rolling in as I drift off to sleep at night.  I hear them crashing onto the shore during the day.  It truly is magnificent, the waves keep rolling in.

At this point of the weaving, I have completed the longest word and am hoping when viewed it looks like writing in the sand.  I have two more words to complete and then will  post a photo of the front of the tapestry.  The tapestry is 24″ wide on the upright student loom, 12 epi using cotton seine twine.

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